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two scuba divers diving above a halocline in Angelita cenote close to a tree
20th Century
Wiggo Eriksen

Monitoring Shipwrecks for Climate Change Indicators: A Surprising Link

Monitoring shipwrecks for climate change indicators is a fascinating and valuable area of research that offers insights into the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems. By examining bioindicator species, water chemistry, temperature, and the presence of invasive species, scientists

modern shipping harbor at night
15th Century
Wiggo Eriksen

The Golden Age Of Bergen: A Look At Maritime Trade in 1500s Norway

Norway and its capital city of Bergen have a long and storied history, and the 1500s were certainly no exception. During this time, maritime trade to and from the city of Bergen was flourishing, bringing in wealth and prosperity for

Concept of travel and adventure all around the world
Citizen Science
Wiggo Eriksen

Shipwrecks 101 : How To Find Shipwrecks

Finding the wreck of a ship is the most difficult part of maritime archaeology. Shipwrecks may be found accidentally, while we are looking for something else, or via targeted missions to locate specific wrecks. We can find shipwrecks on land,

20th Century
Wiggo Eriksen

FB391 Mustang Korsfjorden Norway 1944

10 November 1944 a Mustang P-51C III was shot down in Korsfjorden just south of Bergen. Flight Sergant Antoni B Ciundziewicki, Polish national, was the pilot that gave his life for our freedom this day in Norway.

Citizen Science
Wiggo Eriksen

Marine Citizen Science: An Overview Of The Current State In Europe

Marine Citizen Science is one of the fastest growing citizen science activities in the world, with a significant growth in Europe. Governments, universities and even private companies are tapping into this new way to involve citizens in research. The opportunities

FlB531 Robin Hood
20th Century
Wiggo Eriksen

UAM1 Robin Hood – FLB531

FLB 531 that came inservice for the Germans in 1942 was captured in May 1945 by British RAF soldiers in Bergen. It was given the name Robin Hood. It was used as a Minesweeper/clearing vessel as UAM1 Robin Hood. Nowegian

19th Century
Wiggo Eriksen

SS Kommandøren 1944

Following the 9 April 1940 German invasion of Norway, she was requisitioned by the Norwegian authorities and carried troops for the Norwegian war effort until the forces in Western Norway ceased fighting on 2 May 1940.

19th Century
Wiggo Eriksen

Hjelmås – Clay Brick Factory

30 minutes drive north of Bergen there is a place called Hjelmås. What many do not know, is that 150 years ago, this place had a big Clay Brick factory producing as many as 3 million bricks per year at

Citizen Science
Wiggo Eriksen

Citizens Archaeology: How To Become A Citizen Scientist

If you were the kind of kid who loved science projects then chances are you’re now an adult who might be wondering what to do with all this enthusiasm. Many people believe that participating in citizens archaeology is a great

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A diver holding an underwater light approaches the wreck of a military plane on the seabed, dating

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